August 18, 2019
The boat has been ordered…what now? For the first time since around 1979 I am without a Ranger Boat, and I am trying to figure out what to do with myself.
My first task has been to work on a design for modification to the drivers seat of the Z519. I am about 5’9” tall and the seat position in the 519 is just too far back for me to be comfortable with both steering and the hotfoot. After discussion with several folks and looking at a multitude of ideas, I think I have hit on a solution. I have decided on a pair of aluminum plates (one under the seat platform and one on top) that will use the existing holes in the platform but move the seat forward. I spoke to the Machine Tool instructor at school and he thinks he can work out exactly what I need. I appreciate Gene and Mark at Anglers Choice in Spindale taking the time to make measurements when I need them and to discuss my ideas with me.
I am also looking at getting a tripod to hold an iphone for use in the boat. Though I like to catch them in a variety of ways, I am most comfortable fishing shallow water whenever possible. I want to use video to illustrate how much draft the boat has and exactly how shallow you can comfortably fish. Seeing numbers is one thing but seeing someone put something in the water to show you water depth is another. Securing the correct tripod is on the agenda. I am interested in a GoPro down the road but I am not ready to tackle that just yet.
Tackle organization is the next item on the list. Sealable plastic containers have been purchased and I am starting today. I will talk more about this process in my next post. Good fishing to everyone – the water will begin cooling soon and the bait will be moving.
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