Treble Hook in Thumb

Fished solo at Hartwell today and ended up with a treble hook in my thumb. Not the first time this has happened and I tried to explain the process I used to remove it on video but, after reviewing the video, it was apparent I did not do a very job so I am going to explain the process here. Hopefully this will help someone down the road who is not familiar with this method. The first step is the most difficult - removing the hook from the fish. You have a death grip on the fish with your free hand while trying to take the hook out with the hand that is impaled with a hook. Once the fish is free, the next step is to cut the split ring on the hook attached to you to free the hook from the crankbait. Next, cut the two free hooks close to the shank, leaving you with a single hook in your hand. At this point I got a length of fishing line (25lb) and tied the two ends together securely to prevent slippage. I took the line and placed it through the steering wheel, leaving a portion below the wheel. Next, I placed the line between the hook and my skin and pushed down firmly on the hook eye with my free hand. Once I got to this point I quickly jerked my hand downwards away from the steering wheel and the hook popped out painlessly. I have used this method before when my myself and have used it several times on other folks. It has always worked flawlessly.

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