I'm Greg Lovelace, a lifelong bass tournament fisherman who enjoys sharing my fishing knowledge and experiences with others, especially young anglers and anglers new to the sport.
I have the privilege of being a member of the Angler's Choice Marine Pro Staff as well as the Mercury Marine Pro Team.

I am married with two children and two grandchildren. I am also a Christian who gives God all the credit for any success I might have had in all aspects of my life. I am a retired high school principal in North Carolina and am now working as Director of Swofford Career Center in Inman, SC. 

The purpose of my blog is to share my fishing and boating experiences from the perspective of a weekend angler. This blog chronicles the researching and purchasing of a new Ranger Z519, as well as my experiences and reviews of the boat, accessories, equipment, and numerous fishing trips.  I'll also be sharing photos, videos, and stories from days on the lake and tips and tricks for catching largemouth bass. I hope this is something that will prove both useful and enjoyable to read.