After thinking about the day yesterday I decided to address the issue of getting in the boat when launching. I researched trailer steps and settled on the Trick Step system for Ranger boats. They are expensive but I think I will feel better unloading and loading my boat by myself with this system. Ordered this morning before church and hope they come in this week and I can get the system installed before next weekend.
Spent the afternoon working on waypoints. Finally figured out how to convert the old files to a format that will upload to the Carbon units. You Tube is your friend! Then looked at waypoint management and figured out how to save waypoints by lake on an SD card and erase all of them from the unit itself. According to all I have read this is the best way to maintain the speed of the unit. When I get to a lake I will just download the waypoints from that lake to the unit and at the end of the day save them (and any new ones) back to the SD card and delete off the unit. I did keep a master copy of the waypoints in case I mess up at some point and lose the data.
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