August 29, 2018
This week I received word that I have a tentative completion date of September 27thon my boat – just a little over a month left to get it if that works out! The past week and a half has been spent organizing tackle. I quickly dropped the idea of the plastic containers and went with Plano Guide Series Waterproof boxes. I like the sizes available, and I can rest assured that when they are latched water will not get in them. It took two days to get the tackle organized but I feel good about how it turned out. With a bigger boat I plan on carrying more tackle (that might just be a sign of confusion) and it is real important I protect the tackle I am carrying.
Over the past month I have been looking for new jig rods. I have visited every major tackle retailer and local shop and held every rod that fit what I was looking for – a 6’8” heavy action with a fast tip. I have found several but the diameter of the handle near the reel seat is just a little too big on almost every one. I love the Tatula rods but they discontinued the model that fit me perfectly and they didn’t offer the heavy. I think I have decided on gloomis – I have never owned one but have never heard negatives from those who do. I like the full cork handle and the diameter is perfect. I plan to take a Lews BB1 to one of the stores that carry them and put it on, line it up, put a jig on it, and make a few pitches to see how it feels. Hopefully they won’t mind and it will seal my decision one way or another.
Next on the list is watching videos on Lowrance HDS set up, waiting, and doing a lot of map study for a couple of tournaments coming up in October. Hope all of you are catching them – it’s almost Labor Day and the frog bite should be getting good on a few of the lakes. Working on a trip with a buddy to check on it myself.
August 18, 2019
The boat has been ordered…what now? For the first time since around 1979 I am without a Ranger Boat, and I am trying to figure out what to do with myself. 
My first task has been to work on a design for modification to the drivers seat of the Z519. I am about 5’9” tall and the seat position in the 519 is just too far back for me to be comfortable with both steering and the hotfoot. After discussion with several folks and looking at a multitude of ideas, I think I have hit on a solution. I have decided on a pair of aluminum plates (one under the seat platform and one on top) that will use the existing holes in the platform but move the seat forward. I spoke to the Machine Tool instructor at school and he thinks he can work out exactly what I need. I appreciate Gene and Mark at Anglers Choice in Spindale taking the time to make measurements when I need them and to discuss my ideas with me.
I am also looking at getting a tripod to hold an iphone for use in the boat. Though I like to catch them in a variety of ways, I am most comfortable fishing shallow water whenever possible. I want to use video to illustrate how much draft the boat has and exactly how shallow you can comfortably fish. Seeing numbers is one thing but seeing someone put something in the water to show you water depth is another. Securing the correct tripod is on the agenda. I am interested in a GoPro down the road but I am not ready to tackle that just yet.
Tackle organization is the next item on the list. Sealable plastic containers have been purchased and I am starting today. I will talk more about this process in my next post. Good fishing to everyone – the water will begin cooling soon and the bait will be moving.
After months of considering it and looking at every option from every angle, I have ordered a new boat. I have enjoyed my old Ranger Boat for many years and I'm looking forward to the years ahead with my new Ranger Z519.  

I ordered my new one from Anglers Choice Marine in Spindale, NC. Special thanks to Sandy, Andy, Bobby, Janet, Kim, Shelby, Sherry, Eddie, Chuck, Gene, Austin, Ralph, and especially Mark Howe who worked patiently and tirelessly through countless changes I made during the process. Anglers Choice, with locations in Spindale and Lexington North Carolina and Martinsville, Virginia, is well equipped to handle any of your Ranger, Triton, and Nitro boat needs. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a new or used boat.

I am beginning this blog to document my experiences with the Ranger Z519, Mercury 225 4 stroke, Ultrex Trolling Motor, and upgraded Lowrance electronics. 

I had many questions about how things would perform while using them like I like to fish (shallow most of the time) and I hope to be able to share from the perspective of a regular guy and not a touring pro how the equipment performs. Maybe it will be helpful to someone who is considering a purchase and has questions similar to mine. More to come in the future...